Step up to the box this summer looking shredded!
With the MLB All-Star Game just four short hours away, we thought there was no better time to debut our brand new lineup of all-stars—Big League Chew all-stars, that is. Fresh off of last year's Big League Chew release, we teamed up again with the amazing artist Allen Mudgett to usher in a whole new line of championship-caliber gear that we know you will love. So add some flavor to your rotation and start building your lineup with the Big League Chew x RSVLTS Collection!
Fans will be chanting your name from the bleachers to the nosebleeds as you enter the stadium wearing designs such as - "Fresh Pouches," "Chew on This," "BLC," and "Outta Here Original". These shirts are such a Home Run the crowd will be begging you for a curtain call.
All designs are on KUNUFLEX™ material and are available across classic styles/sizing, with a select designs available in youth and as hybrid shorts! We also have you covered with a solid new lid and comfy tee! So step into the box, dig in, call your shot and don't miss your chance to walk off with a little bit of style!
Growing up, if you were a fan of sports, you most likely rocked one of those awesome tees that showed all of your favorite athletes in the form of big-headed caricatures. If you did, there is a good chance our friend Allen "Mudge" Mudgett had a hand in creating one of those awesome designs. If you're not familiar with Mudgett's work, you can see some of the iconic creations he brought to life in our previous Big League Chew collection.
1. For those that don't know Allen Mudgett, give us a brief history of how you got started creating your signature style of caricature work?
Right place… Salem Screen Printers. Right time… mid 80s.
I met and became friends with the art director at Salem Screen Printers. He arranged an opportunity for me to work in the screen printing department during the summer before my senior year of college. Once the fall semester began, he gave me the opportunity to put in some hours in the graphics department working on bumper stickers and basic t-shirt designs after classes.
Had no idea that the evolution from Salem Screen Printers to Salem Sportswear was right around the corner. This would be my Big Break.
This transition began when Bill Fickett walked into Salem Screen Printers with a t-shirt design featuring “Big Head '' caricature drawings of the Celtic’s Larry Bird by Larry Johnson, the Boston Globe sports artist known for his energetic, scratchy pen and ink style. The demand for these officially licensed NBA caricatures grew dramatically, and more player illustrations were required to fill their quotas. That's when I got my opportunity to do some freelance work, even though I didn't particularly specialize in caricature work at this time.
Salem eventually moved on to nationally recognized Bruce Stark as their Lead artist. Out was the cross hatching with pen and ink strokes. In came brush and ink for outlines and India ink washes for tonal values and suggestive details. The finished art looked like a beautiful grayscale watercolor painting ready to be separated and screen printed using a cool duo-tone approach which created that smooth shading with halftones. This particular change in direction and Salem Sportswear’s preference for Bruce’s artwork style was most influential for developing my style.
2. You've done a bunch of work with the RSVLTS over the past few years, but tell us briefly about the most recent Big League Chew x RSVLTS campaign and the new caricatures you created?
Working closely with Chris Joyce (RSVLTS Wholesale Director), I had created several "Big Head" caricature illustrations and designs for the RSVLTS when they acquired the MLBPA license. Eventually, the RSVLTS acquired the Big League Chew license. They were working with Big League Chew owner Rob Nelson, who would agree to approve the development of three new characters for the RSVLTS officially licensed apparel… if he liked them.
Chris reached out to me for this project, and I eagerly accepted. During a phone call, Chris suggested that I watch "The Battered Bastards of Baseball'' documentary on Netflix for some inspiration. Big League Chew's early package designs illustrated by Bill Mayer as well as illustrations from their current product line were also provided.
Inspired by the movie and the opportunity to work with an iconic brand, I immediately began sketching new characters. I really got into it and ended up creating nine characters for them to choose three from. To my surprise all nine characters were approved. I thoroughly enjoyed the process.
3. What is it about the Big League Chew Brand that resonates with you?
It's all about baseball and the spirit of the game. As a kid, I loved playing baseball (see included photo below). I was a free-range kid, riding my bicycle to various baseball fields for practices and games. Wearing my uniform with my glove secured onto the handlebars, I logged in many miles on that fixed gear bicycle during my childhood.
Unfortunately, Big League Chew entered the market after my early playing days, so I never experienced chewing it during my games. However, I was always a collector of cool things. I collected stickers and picture cards like Wacky Packages, Odd Rods, Star Wars, Jaws and more because I loved the artwork so much. When BLC first came out, I was similarly infatuated with Bill Mayer's original artwork on those pouches. Oh, I only wish I still had those collections.
4. Do you have a favorite caricature from this most recent Big League Chew x RSVLTS campaign?
My favorite would have to be from the original nine that I had done for the RSVLTS in that very first wave. There were less restrictions with the character development at this time. For example: I could get a little looser with the facial features and the hair styles just a bit more. I even depicted several of the players with a cheek full of bubble gum. However, I was asked to eliminate those full cheeks once Big League Chew made the decision to officially use the artwork for their iconic gum pouches.
So, if I had to pick one, I think it would be the pitcher featured in the picture below. I like the way he portrays an easy self-confidence with a wad of Big League Chew stashed under his cheek;-)