RSVLTS Shop Local Spotlight - Hip Replacements

This month we are spotlighting a wonderfully classy boutique in Asheville, North Carolina, which was in fact one of our very first retailers: Hip Replacements

Much more than just a clever name, the shop over the years has carried an eclectic mix of highly curated designs and fashions, including multiple licensed and unlicensed RSVLTS styles and offerings! 

In talking to Hip Replacement’s owner/operator, Franzi Charen, she had this to say about our ongoing partnership: 

“We first discovered RSVLTS when a customer came in wearing a fantastic “Back to the Future” shirt as few years back, and asked what kind of magic they were wearing,” said Franzi. “We then started following RSVLTS on Instagram and knew that our store would be a fantastic fit for all of RSVLTS wonderful products, especially some of their more bespoke designs. We’re very delighted to have RSVLTS as one of our most popular brands sold in our shop!”

So if you are ever in the Asheville, NC area (an incredible food & beverage scene as well, FYI), pop in to say hello to Franzi, and peruse Hip's one-of-a-kind RSVLTS collections and styles. Who knows, they may even have a style or two you have been actively searching for online or beyond.

Also, brief reminder to reference RSVLTS convenient online store locator to find a #ShopLocal retailer near always, we strive to #SupportLocal