How We'll Ensure a Smooth & Successful Holiday Shipping Experience For You

Hey RSVLTS Family,

  In preparation for the upcoming holiday shopping season, RSVLTS has been speaking regularly with all of the carriers that we offer, to ensure the easiest, quickest, and hassle free shipping holiday shopping experience.  

However, during these discussions, every single carrier has shared that this year is going to be an unprecedented, with record high demand for their shipping services. Unfortunately, this all stems from the continued restraints and difficulties resulting from the on going COVID-19 pandemic.

Here at RSVLTS, we are already taking steps to ensure a smooth and successful holiday shopping period for you. Here are a few things we’re doing ensure this, and also a couple of tips for you as well.

  1. Open and Honesty Policy: It is our commitment and promise to be as open and as transparent with you as possible. If there is something wrong or an issue, we’ll be the first to let you know, and work with you to find a solution.

  2. Rapid Expansion of Our Fulfillment Team: Over the last month, some of you might have noticed that shipping times have dropped a touch. In preparation for the holidays, we were ramping up our fulfillment hours, which started off well, but resulted in burning out our team. So we are adding to the fulfillment team in massive numbers, as quickly as a we can, while getting everyone up to speed with our procedures and brand. This way we can have those expanded fulfillment hours, but also not burn the team out because we can add more shifts and crews.

  3. Shop Early: As the old saying, the early bird gets the worms, same principle applies here. If you order something early, you don’t have to stress about shipping times, or last minute shopping.

  4. Questions? We’ve Got Answers: Shopping for the holidays, can already be a stressful process, and this year won’t be any easier. If you have questions about sizing, we have a nifty size calculator that should point you in the right direction. You can also order difference sizes, and return the one that doesn’t fit. If all else fails, RSVLTS does offer E-Gift Cards which are delivered to your inbox immediately, and they’re one size fits all. Also, never hesitate to email us at, if you can’t find an answer to one of your questions on the FAQ page.

Please know we are working tirelessly, no stone is being left un-turned over by anyone on team RSVLTS. We’re doing this all to ensure that we have you completely covered, with what is anticipated to be the most interesting holiday season in recent memory.  

Happy Holidays…..kinda, not yet, but fast approaching!
